Monday, September 13, 2010

BP Marketing Falls Short at the Pump

BP gets Ditched for this failed effort to mollify the public backlash over the oil spill. Many potential customers are choosing to take their business elsewhere, thinking that their refusal to fill up at a BP station will directly detriment the pockets of BP executives. Unfortunately, it is only the local owners  and operators that are significantly effected by this decision, not BP corporate. Rightfully so, BP has made an effort to correct this misunderstanding. Though the message is accurate, it is not targeted at the right audience. The pictured advertisement is located on the pump lines at local BP stations. If BP wanted to truly assist local stations in distancing themselves from the follies of the oil spill, they would direct a message, such as that pictured, at a nationwide audience that had not yet made their decision on where to fill up. Placing this ad at the pump is bound to only solidify the decisions of those that would have chosen BP anyway, NOT sway the decisions of those confidently driving by.  

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